Lung Meridian

Chinese Medicine Clock 3:00 a.m.~5:00 a.m. (Click here to read)

Full Name: Taiyin Lung Meridian of Hand
Quality of Yin or Yang: Greater Yin (taiyin)
Five Elements: Metal
Sister Meridian: Large Intestine
Opposite Meridian (least qi): Urinary Bladder

11 Acupoints in Each Side

Code: LU

Transliteration/English Name (Click on the pictures below to enter each acupoint)

Lung Meridian

Chinese Medicine Clock 3:00 a.m.~5:00 a.m.
(Click here to read)

Full Name: Taiyin Lung Meridian of Hand
Quality of Yin or Yang: Greater Yin (taiyin)
Five Elements: Metal
Sister Meridian: Large Intestine
Opposite Meridian (least qi): Urinary Bladder

11 Acupoints in Each Side

Code: LU

Transliteration/English Name
(Click on the pictures below to enter each acupoint)

LU1 Zhong Fu_Central Mansion 中府穴

Zhongfu/ Central Mansion

LU2 Yunmen__Cloud Gate__雲門穴

Yunmen/ Cloud Gate

LU3 Tian Fu__Celestial Storehouse__天府穴

Tianfu/ Celestial Storehouse

LU4 Xia Bai__Guarding White__俠白穴

Xiabai/ Guarding White

01 LU5 Chi Ze__Cubit Mars__尺澤穴

Chize/ Cubit Mars

LU6 Kong Zui__Collection Hole__孔最穴

Kongzui/ Collection Hole

LU7 Lie Que__Interrupted Sequence__列缺穴

Lieque/ Interrupted Sequence

LU8 Jing Qu__Channels Ditch__經渠穴

Jingqu/ Channels Ditch

LU9 Tai Yuan__Great Source__太淵穴

Taiyuan/ Great Source

LU10 Yu Ji__Fish Border__魚際穴

Yuji/ Fish Border

LU11 Shao Shan__Lesser Metal__少商穴

Shaosha/ Lesser Metal

Highlight Point

My children have being avoid receiving acupressure on their meridians most of the time because of the fear of the pain, until one day…“My shoulder is painful!” said my daughter when she got off the work.…(Read more>>)