Flush Vessel

It is the "sea" of ​​the meridians (click here to read more)

“Flush” in Chinese is “Chong” which means “road”, and has the meaning of extending in all directions, and is the flow of the twelve meridians. It’s the commander of the qi and blood of all meridians. The Flush Vessel will contain and store them when there is excess qi and blood in the meridians and zang-fu organs; the Flush Vessel will perfuses and replenishes the qi and blood back to the meridians and zang-fu organs when the qi and blood of them are insufficient.
The disease of Flush Vessel will cause abdominal distension and acute pain.

11 Acupoints in Each Side

Code: FV
Transliteration/English Name (click on the pictures below to enter each acupoint)

Flush Vessel

It is the "sea" of ​​the meridians (click here to read more)

“Flush” in Chinese is “Chong” which means “road”, and has the meaning of extending in all directions, and is the flow of the twelve meridians. It’s the commander of the qi and blood of all meridians. The Flush Vessel will contain and store them when there is excess qi and blood in the meridians and zang-fu organs; the Flush Vessel will perfuses and replenishes the qi and blood back to the meridians and zang-fu organs when the qi and blood of them are insufficient.
The disease of Flush Vessel will cause abdominal distension and acute pain.

11 Acupoints in Each Side

Code: FV
Transliteration/English Name (click on the pictures below to enter each acupoint)
08 KI12 Dahe Great Manifestation大赫

Dahe/ Great Manifestation

08 KI13 Qixue Energy Cave 氣穴

Qixue/ Energy Cave

08 KI14 Siman Fourfold Fullness 四滿

Siman/ Fourfold Fullness

13 CV07 Yinjiao Yin Intersection 陰交

Yinjiao/ Yin Intersection

08 KI15 Zhonszhu Central Flow 中注

Zhonszhu/ Central Flow

08 KI16 Huangshu Vital Locus 肓俞

Huangshu/ Vital Locus

08 KI17 Shangqu Shang Music 商曲

Shangqu/ Shang Music

08 KI18 Shiguan Stone Gate 石關

Shiguan/ Stone Gate

14 GV09 Zhiyang Reaching Yang 至陽

Yindu/ Yin Capital

08 KI20 Futonggu Reaching Valley 腹通谷

Futonggu/ Reaching Valley

08 KI21 Youmen Pylorus Gate 幽門

Youmen/ Pylorus Gate

Belt Vessel

The network zone of the three meridians of Flush Vessel, Ren and Du meridians (click here to read more)

The Belt Vessel is the collateral meridian of the Ren meridian, Du meridian and Flush Vessel. It can also restrain all the meridians running through here, strengthen the connection between the meridians and also protect the fetus. The main manifestations are abdominal distention, lumbar spine pain, female vaginal discharge, foot atrophy, etc when lesions occur here.

3 Acupoints in Each Side, circle around the belly

Code: BV
Transliteration/English Name (click on the pictures below to enter each acupoint)

Belt Vessel

The network zone of the three meridians of Flush Vessel, Ren and Du meridians (click here to read more)

The Belt Vessel is the collateral meridian of the Ren meridian, Du meridian and Flush Vessel. It can also restrain all the meridians running through here, strengthen the connection between the meridians and also protect the fetus. The main manifestations are abdominal distention, lumbar spine pain, female vaginal discharge, foot atrophy, etc when lesions occur here.

3 Acupoints in Each Side, circle around the belly

Code: BV
Transliteration/English Name (click on the pictures below to enter each acupoint)
11 GB26 Daimai Belt Meridian 帶脈

Daimai/ Belt Meridian

11 GB27 Wushu Fifth Pivot 五樞

Wushu/ Fifth Pivot

11 GB28 Weidao Linking Path 維道

Weidao/ Linking Path

Yin Heel Vessel

In charge of yin-qi, lower body movement and eye opening and closing (click here to read more)

The lateral muscles of the limbs are sluggish and the medial muscles are tense with inversion of the feet, slashing of the legs and abdominal muscles, paralysis and weakness, sore throat, lethargy or insomnia, drooping eyelids or inability to open and close both eyes, pale tongue, white coating, and weak pulse when the Yin Heel Vessel got sick.

3 Acupoints in Each Side, from inner ankles to inner corner of eyes

Code: Yin HV
Transliteration/English Name (click on the pictures below to enter each acupoint)

Yin Heel Vessel

In charge of yin-qi, lower body movement and eye opening and closing (click here to read more)

The lateral muscles of the limbs are sluggish and the medial muscles are tense with inversion of the feet, slashing of the legs and abdominal muscles, paralysis and weakness, sore throat, lethargy or insomnia, drooping eyelids or inability to open and close both eyes, pale tongue, white coating, and weak pulse when the Yin Heel Vessel got sick.

3 Acupoints in Each Side, from inner ankles to inner corner of eyes

Code: Yin HV
Transliteration/English Name (click on the pictures below to enter each acupoint)
08 KI06 Zhaohai Shine to Sea 照海

Zhaohai/ Shine to Sea

08 KI08 Jiaoxin Delivering Message 交信

Jiaoxin Delivering Message

07 BL01 Jingming Bright Eyes 睛明

Jingming/ Bright Eyes

Yang Heel Vessel

Branch of BL meridian. Controling the opening and closing of the eyes and the movement of lower extremity muscles (click here to read more)

Starting on the outside of the heel and then reaches up the inner corner of the eye along with the BL Meridian and GB Meridian. Meeting Yin Heel Vessel in the eyes, and then going up along the meridians. Finally, joining to the acupoint of Fengchi at the back of the neck. The foot eversion is often formed when the Yang Heel Vessel is intense.

13 Acupoints in Each Side, from outer ankles to inner corner of eyes

Code: Yang HV
Transliteration/English Name (click on the pictures below to enter each acupoint)

Yang Heel Vessel

Branch of BL meridian. Controling the opening and closing of the eyes and the movement of lower extremity muscles (click here to read more)

Starting on the outside of the heel and then reaches up the inner corner of the eye along with the BL Meridian and GB Meridian. Meeting Yin Heel Vessel in the eyes, and then going up along the meridians. Finally, joining to the acupoint of Fengchi at the back of the neck. The foot eversion is often formed when the Yang Heel Vessel is intense.

13 Acupoints in Each Side, from outer ankles to inner corner of eyes

Code: Yang HV
Transliteration/English Name (click on the pictures below to enter each acupoint)
07 BL62 Shenmai Streching Vessel 申脈

Shenmai/ Streching Vessel

07 BL61 Pucan Bowing 僕參

Pucan/ Bowing

07 BL59 Fuyang Foot Yang 跗陽

Fuyang/ Foot Yang

11 GB29 Juliao Dwelling Bone Hole 居髎

Juliao/ Dwelling Bone Hole

06 SI10 Naoshu/ Upper Arm Shu Point臑俞

Naoshu/ Upper Arm Shu Point

02 LI15  Jian Yu_Shoulder and Clavicle 肩髃穴

Jian Yu/ Shoulder and Clavicle

02 LI16 Ju Gu_Great Bone 巨骨穴

Ju Gu/ Great Bone

10 TE15 TianLiao/ Celestial Bone Hole 天髎

TianLiao/ Celestial Bone Hole

03 ST04 Dicang Earth Granary 地倉

Dicang/ Earth Granary

03 ST03 Juliao Great Bone Hole 巨髎

Juliao/ Great Bone Hole

03 ST01 Chengqi Tear Container 承泣

Chengqi/ Tear Container

07 BL01 Jingming Bright Eyes 睛明

Jingming/ Bright Eyes

11 GB20 Fengchi/ Wind Pool 風池

Fengchi/ Wind Pool

Yin Link Vessel

Network, connecting the yin meridians of the whole body and passing though Ren Meridian (click here to read more)

Regulating the qi and blood that accumulates in the collaterals. Balancing both functions of providing nutrition and defending against diseases. The lesions are mainly manifested as heart pain, stomach pain, chest and abdominal pain, and nausea.

14 Acupoints in total, from inner calf to neck

Code: Yin LV
Transliteration/English Name (click on the pictures below to enter each acupoint)

Yin Link Vessel

Network, connecting the yin meridians of the whole body and passing though Ren Meridian (click here to read more)

Regulating the qi and blood that accumulates in the collaterals. Balancing both functions of providing nutrition and defending against diseases. The lesions are mainly manifested as heart pain, stomach pain, chest and abdominal pain, and nausea.

14 Acupoints in total, from inner calf to neck

Code: Yin LV
Transliteration/English Name (click on the pictures below to enter each acupoint)
08 KI09 Zhubin Guest House 築賓

Zhubin/ Guest House

04 SP12 Chongmen Surging Gate 衝門

Chongmen/ Surging Gate

04 SP13 Fushe Bowel Abode府舍

Fushe/ Bowel Abode

04 SP15 Daheng Great Horizontal大横

Daheng/ Great Horizontal

04 SP16 Fuai Abdominal Lament腹哀

Fuai/ Abdominal Lament

12 LR14 Qimen Cycle Gate 期門

Qimen/ Cycle Gate

13 CV22 Tiantu Celestial Prominence 天突

Tiantu/ Celestial Prominence

13 CV23 Lianquan Corner Fountain 廉泉

Lianquan/ Corner Fountain

Yang Link Vessel

Network, connecting the yang meridians of the whole body and passing though Du Meridian (click here to read more)

16 Acupoints in Each Side, from the outside of the foot to the back

Code: Yang LV
Transliteration/English Name (click on the pictures below to enter each acupoint)

Yang Link Vessel

Network, connecting the yang meridians of the whole body and passing though Du Meridian (click here to read more)

16 Acupoints in Each Side, from the outside of the foot to the back

Code: Yang LV
Transliteration/English Name (click on the pictures below to enter each acupoint)
07 BL63 Jinmen Golden Gate 金門

Jinmen/ Golden Gate

11 GB35 Yangjiao Yang Intersection 陽交

Yangjiao/ Yang Intersection

06 SI10 Naoshu/ Upper Arm Shu Point臑俞

Naoshu/ Upper Arm Shu Point

10 TE15 TianLiao/ Celestial Bone Hole 天髎

TianLiao/ Celestial Bone Hole

11 GB21 Jianjing/ Shoulder Well 肩井

Jianjing/ Shoulder Well

03 ST08 Touwei/ Head Corner 頭維

Touwei/ Head Corner

11 GB13 Benshen/ Spirit Root 本神

Benshen/ Spirit Root

11 GB14 Yangbai/ Yang Bright 陽白

Yangbai/ Yang Bright

11 GB15 Toulinqi/ Head Governor of Tears 頭臨泣

Toulinqi/ Head Governor of Tears

11 GB16 Muchuang/ Eye Windows 目窗

Muchuang/ Eye Windows

11 GB17 Zhengyins/ Upright Camp 正營

Zhengyins/ Upright Camp

11 GB18 Chegling/ Spirit Support 承靈

Chegling/ Spirit Support

11 GB19 Naokong/ Brain Hollow 腦空

Naokong/ Brain Hollow

11 GB20 Fengchi/ Wind Pool 風池

Fengchi/ Wind Pool

14 GV16 Fengfu/ Wind Mansion 風府

Fengfu/ Wind Mansion

14 GV15 Yamen/ Gate of Muteness 啞門

Yamen/ Gate of Muteness