Stomach Meridian

Chinese medicine clock 7:00 a.m. ~ 9:00 a.m. (Click here to read)

Full Name: Yangming Stomach Meridian of Foot
Sister Meridian: Spleen
Opposite Meridian (least qi): Pericardium
Quality of Yin or Yang: Yang Bright
Five Elements: Earth

45 Acupoints in Each Side

Code: ST

Transliteration/English Name (Click on the pictures below to enter each acupoint)

Stomach Meridian

Chinese medicine clock 7:00 a.m. ~ 9:00 a.m.
(Click here to read)

Full Name: Yangming Stomach Meridian of Foot
Sister Meridian: Spleen
Opposite Meridian (least qi): Pericardium
Quality of Yin or Yang: Yang Bright
Five Elements: Earth

45 Acupoints in Each Side

Code: ST

Transliteration/English Name
(Click on the pictures below to enter each acupoint)

ST1 Chengqi Tear Container 承泣

Chengqi/ Tear Container

03 ST02 Sibai Direction Brightness 四白

Sibai/ Direction Brightness

03 ST03 Juliao Great Bone Hole 巨髎

Juliao/ Great Bone Hole

03 ST04 Dicang Earth Granary 地倉

Dicang/ Earth Granary

03 ST05 Daying Great Reception 大迎

Daying Great/ Reception

03 ST06 Jiache Jaw Bone 頰車

Jiache/Jaw Bone

03 ST07 Xiaguan Below the Arch 下關

Xiaguan/ Below the Arch

03 ST08 Touwei/ Head Corner 頭維

Touwei/ Head Corner

03 ST09 Renying Man‘s Prognosis 人迎

Renying/ Man‘s Prognosis

03 ST10 Shuitu Liquid Passage 水突

Shuitu/ Liquid Passage

03 ST11 Qishe Abode of Qi 氣舍

Qishe/ Abode of Qi

03 ST12 Quepen Empty Basi 缺盆

Quepen/ Empty Basi

03 ST13 Qihu Qi Door 氣戶

Qihu/ Qi Door

03 ST14 Kufang Store Room 庫房

Kufang/ Store Room

03 ST15 Wuyi Roof 屋翳

Wuyi/ Roof

03 ST16 Yingchuang Breast Window 膺窗

Yingchuang/ Breast Window

03 ST17 Ruzhong Breast Centre 乳中

Ruzhong/ Breast Centre

03 ST18 Rugen Breast Root 乳根

Rugen/ Breast Root

03 ST19 Burong Not Contained 不容

Burong/ Not Contained

03 ST20 Chengman Receiving Fullness 承滿

Chengman/ Receiving Fullness

03 ST21 Liangmen Ridge Gate 梁門

Liangmen/ Ridge Gate

03 ST22 Guanmen Shutting the Gate 關門

Guanmen/ Shutting the Gate

03 ST23 Taiyi Great Unity 太乙

Taiyi/ Great Unity

03 ST24 Huaroumen Slippery Flesh Gate 滑肉門

Huaroumen/ Slippery Flesh Gate

03 ST25 Tianshu Celestial Pivot 天樞

Tianshu/ Celestial Pivot

03 ST26 Wailing Outer Mound 外陵

Wailing/ Outer Mound

03 ST27 Daju Great Bulge 大巨

Daju/ Great Bulge

03 ST28 Shuidao Waterway 水道

Shuidao/ Waterway

03 ST29 Guilai Return 歸來

Guilai/ Return

03 ST30 Qichong Qi Surge 氣衝

Qichong/ Qi Surge

03 ST31 Biguan Thigh Gate 髀關

Biguan/ Thigh Gate

03 ST32 Futu Crouching Rabbit 伏兔

Futu/ Crouching Rabbit

03 ST33 Yinshi Yin Market 陰市

Yinshi/ Yin Market 陰市

03 ST34 Liangqiu Ridge Mound 梁丘

Liangqiu/ Ridge Mound

03 ST35 Dubi Calf's Nose 犢鼻穴

Dubi/ Calf's Nose

03 ST36 Zusanli Leg Three Miles 足三里

Zusanli/ Leg Three Miles

03 ST37 Shangjuxu Upper Great Hollow 上巨虛穴

Shangjuxu/ Upper Great Hollow

03 ST38 Tiaokou Ribbon Opening 條口

Tiaokou/ Ribbon Opening

03 ST39 Xiajuxu Lower Great Hollow 下巨虛

Xiajuxu/ Lower Great Hollow

03 ST40 Fenglong Abundant Bulge豐隆

Fenglong/ Abundant Bulge

03 ST41 Juexi Dividing Cleft 解谿

Juexi/ Dividing Cleft

03 ST42 Chongyang Surging Yang 沖陽

Chongyang/ Surging Yang

03 ST43 Siangu Sunken Valley 陷谷 2.0

Siangu/ Sunken Valley

03 ST44 Neiting Inner Court 内庭 2.0

Neiting/ Inner Court

03 ST45 Lidui Running Point 厲兌

Lidui/ Running Point

Highlight Point

As the saying goes: “press on Zusanli, the acupoint, frequently is better than drink the chicken soup.” Here is an interesting example from me and my sister to share with you. Once my sister called me and told about my niece who had a stomachache, nausea and vomiting after class last evening. Therefore my sister took her to see the doctor, had some medicine and took a day off from school.

I asked my sister, did she get any better? My sister answered that she didn’t get better yet, and she was vomiting after she ate in the morning…(Click to read article)