ST 36 足三里穴


ST 36 足三里穴


Stop The Stomach Flu

Stop The Stomach Flu

Sunnyfish diary 2012.6.30.

small mark blog

As the saying goes: “press on Zusanli , the acupoint, frequently is better than drink the chicken soup.” Here is an  example from me and my sister, Rainbowfish, to share with you. Once my sister called me and told about my niece who had a stomachache, nausea and vomiting after class last evening. Therefore my sister took her to see the doctor, had some medicine and took a day off from school. I asked my sister, did she get any better? My sister answered that she didn’t get better yet, and she was vomiting after she ate in the morning.


I ask my sister, “do you want to try acupressure?” She said,”OK”. So I share the link of stomach meridian to my sister immediately, and asked my sister to find Zusanli, the acupoint on the legs of her daughter and then acupressure on them. “You may acupressure further for the whole stomach meridian just in case If your daughter is willing to receive the pressure”, I said. So I ask my sister to watch the video and follow the entire stomach meridian, starting from the first point to the forty-fifth point. My sister said ok, then we ended up the call. At the night of the same day, I called my sister and asked how was my niece feels? My sister answered, ”she’s feel better now and also she could having some soup without vomiting.”


I am very glade with her recovery. I asked my sister,” It’s amazing, how did you do it for her?” My sister said that she used a massage tool to slide on the entire legs of her daughter. “At the meantime”, my sister said, “she was laughting and rolling on the bed because of the feels of the pain from her legs.” After that, my sister said, her daughter was feel better, and then start having some porridge without vomit. Isn’t this the saying amazing?!
