07 BL11 Dazhu Great Shuttle大杼
BL11 Dazhu
Great Shuttle



On the back,level with lower border of the spinous process of 1st thoracic vertebra, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline ( Governor Vessel)


Influential Point of Bone (Hui-meeting point). Meeting pt of the BL, SI, SJ and GB Meridians and the GV.
He/Sea point.

Body Inches (cun)

Each person has his/her own personal body inches.
One cun is equal to the width of the Knuckle of the thumb.

Nerves, vascular

The medial cutaneous branch of the posterior branch of the first and second thoracic nerves, the medial branch of the posterior branch of the first intercostal artery and vein, and the descending branch of the transverse carotid artery.


Bronchitis,bronchial asthma,pneumonia;headache,epilepsy;cervical spondylosis,back muscle spasm ,knee osteoarthritis;pharyngitis,cold,bone tuberculosis;Wind disorders. Hui-meeting point of the bones, useful with any bone or problem such as osteoporosis, arthritis, inflammation, sensation of heat in the bones, etc. Useful adjunctive point to effect the lungs in cases of infections, colds a/or flus or asthma related conditions. Sea of Blood Point with ST 37 & ST 39. According to the Ling Shu Treatise on the Seas, “when the Sea of blood is full, the patient has the sensation that his body is bigger than it is. One feels uneasy, and does not know the disease; when the Sea of blood is insufficient, one often feels the body is small, one feels uneasy and does not know the disease.” May be useful for leukemia, anemia, said to tonify the bone marrow.


Depression:BL 11 & BL 15.
Wind weakness syncope accompanied with flaccidity:BL 11 & LR 08.
Cough,asthma:BL 11 & LU 07 & LU 05.
Cold:BL 11 & GB 20 & BL 12 & BL 13.
Bitterly cold:BL 11 & GB 39 & KI 07 & BL 62 & ST 45 & BL 23.
Cervical spondylosis:BL 11 & 2.EX-B2 & GB 39.
Pattern/syndrome of summer heat dampness assailing the exterior,dampness-warmth:BL 11 & PC 05 & LU 07 & LI 04 & CV 12 & SP 06.
Muscular rheumatism (back muscles):BL 11 & GV 12 & SI 15 & SI 14 & BL 13 & BL 15 & BL 17.














胸中鬱鬱:1.大杼 2.心俞
風痹痿厥:1.大杼 2.曲泉
咳嗽,氣喘:1.大杼 2.列缺 3.尺澤
感冒:1.大杼 2.風池 3.風門 4.肺俞
骨髓冷痛:1.大杼 2.絕骨 3.復溜 4.申脈 5.厲兌 6.腎俞
頸椎病:1.大杼 2.夾脊 3.絕骨
暑濕,濕溫:1.大杼 2.間使 3.列缺 4.合谷 5.中脘 6.三陰交
肌肉風濕症(背肌):1.大杼 2.身柱 3.肩中俞 4.肩外俞 5.肺俞 6.心俞 7.膈俞