The "Mother's Hand"
~ A Healing Interview of De-Quervain's disease ~

Acu Notes by Sunnyfish 2023.5.07

small mark blog

Recently, Fernando and Susanna, the parents of my daughters’ classmate, came to visit at home. We met for the first time but we met each other like old friends. We talked happily.

After a few cups of tea, Fernando mentioned the topic of meridian massage. “Thank you for gifting us the meridian pen. Now Susanna’s hand is completely cured!” When my daughters went to visit for summer vacation last year, they helped me bring an electric acupuncture pen (meridian pen) to Susanna as a gift.

As soon as I heard that, I looked at Susanna in surprise, and said, “Is it so? That’s great! What happened to your hand before?”

Susanna touched her hand and said with a smile, “It’s alright now! I couldn’t bend the joint of my left thumb before, like this…” Susanna made a gesture with her left hand while talking to show me.

“At that time, a small hard thing grew on her knuckle. We suspected it was something bad. We went to the hospital to take X-rays to confirm that it was not something bad, and then went home. Afterwards, she didn’t take any medicine for it,” Fernando added. Apparently, it had been like this for about half a year when she received the meridian pen.

Susanna paused for a moment, and then said, “When I first got the meridian pen, my husband helped me massage my thumb with it. It hurts!” She paused and continued saying, “I thought it was too painful and it is better to do it myself, so I adjusted the pen to the lowest electric power first. Then adjusted it to 4 degree, sometimes to 6 degree.” She tapped her thumb with her right index finger around the area from the acupoint of LU9 Taiyuan to the acupoint of LU11 Shaoshang .

“I would count to 100 and then continue onto another point. I also used it to massage these places.” She pointed to her upper arm, around the area from the point of LU3 Tianfu to the point of LU4 Xiabai and the point of TE12 Xiaoluo.

“How often did you massage your arm for with the meridian pen?” I asked.

“I did this every day for about an hour at a time,” said Susanna.

“How long did it take until your hand had completely recovered?” I asked immediately.

“Hmm…” Susannan thought for a moment. “About three months.”

It’s amazing! Susanna is one of the circle of friends I have met with stiff fingers, who used the meridian pen for the first time and was cured successfully. I learned the following about how to use the meridian pen from her:

First at all, adjusting the electric power properly.
You must not let yourself be injured with overuse.

Secondly, setting a time to fit your own body.
Only do one acupressure point (Ashi point) at a time, and silently count 100 times for each point (about one and a half minutes).
The total hours per day is one hour for 90 consecutive days.

The last point is treat in persevere.
Susanna began meridian therapy when her thumb was so painful that she couldn’t bend it for half a year, and it healed after three months because of the treatment. This result made me understand the importance of the daily treat.

When I talked about stiff fingers with many friends, including myself, most of cases have been chronic diseases for many years. The areas of soreness, numbness and pain spread over many finger and wrist joints, so after massage, the relief often only lasts for a while. So, it’s really exciting to see an example of immediate healing success like Susanna’s. All in all, she is truly one of the most talented people I have ever met in practicing meridian pen massage.

~If you have similar soreness and want to read related meridian massage stories, please click here~