There is a Heaing Called Care

What a beautiful sunny day! My mom, Angelafish carried me and my sister to the mountain for hiking. I am a dachshund who was born with quadriplegia, and since I was adopted by my mom, I feel like a princess~

There is a heeling call care

What a beautiful sunny day! My mom, Angelafish carried me and my sister to the mountain for hiking. I am a dachshund who was born with quadriplegia, and since I was adopted by my mom, I feel like a princess~

There is a heeling call care

What a beautiful sunny day! My mom, Angelafish carried me and my sister to the mountain for hiking. I am a dachshund who was born with quadriplegia, and since I was adopted by my mom, I feel like a princess~

Meet our Author

Recently, when my worries started to make my mood dark, Alfalfafish gave me a magic weapon, that is, “find someone to chat with and talk about your worries”, and she was also very happy to chat with me. So, I couldn’t wait to wait for Alfalfafish to come back from get off work and then talk with her. Sure enough, after the chat, I felt a lot more transparent immediately. Do you wonder how many weird things Alfalfafish have in her minds?
Alice Goalfish

Taste for The Life

for The Life

Taste, this character in Chinese pronunciation is “Pin” and has one mouth (口) on the top and two mouths on the bottom (口口). What did the ancients create this word with three mouths (品) in total for? It reminds me of when Goalfish was a child, she liked to put the rice in her mouth then chewing, chewing again and again, until the taste of the sweet from the rice was chewed. Then she swallow the rice contentedly.

It seemed that each of us naturally done this way without be taught too much when we were young. This kind of instinct perhaps can be expressed in the taste, sound, shape, color or in the touching, movement, etc., some people can even taste the “thought” very well at the age of three. For example, Mr. Cai Zhizhong, a manga master, once said that he hid under the table and thought about what he wanted to do in the future when he was three years old. Even if everyone has childhood, they often don’t know why or totally forgotten when they become adults. For example, the mother of Goalfish who was urging her children to eat quickly beside the dining table and rushing to work with an anxious face xD

Today, we are proud of her courage to defend and preserve her lively nature successfully. We are very happy seeing her passion for the taste of life is as exciting as a stream gurgling.
Let’s cheers for the life with her!

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