Stomach bloating and stomach pain after eating cold food

Acu Notes by Sunnyfish 2022,7,17.

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Having a plate of iced watermelon in the summer is really enjoyalbe! Recently, three of us ate three large watermelons in just ten days. This Saturday morning, I suddenly heard a flatulence sound from my nephew . Then I asked, “Usually I’ll get the gas in my stomach after I drink milk. How about you?”
“I don’t seem to be bloated with any food,” he replied.

In the evening, I ate two pears and felt full because of the hot temperature and sweating a lot. When my son came back, we brought out the watermelon from the refrigerator and the three of us feasted. Although I already felt full, I still tasted a slice to enjoy the cool and sweet taste. Unexpectedly, I felt pains from my lower abdomen after a while. The pain was so severe so I rushed to the bathroom.

“It’s very painful” , I said when I came out from the washrooms. I spoke out loudly to come down myself not to be frightened by the sharp pain.

“Pears and watermelons seem to be cold sensation,” he said.

“You are right but it wired this time. I used to eat watermelon without problem before.” I said. I felt my whole body was weak and my lower abdomen was still in pain. Therefore I ate half a spoonful of Qiangwei-Powder immediately. Lucky I was getting better soon after.

On the second day, I saw my nephew looked listless and had no appetite all day. After a careful inquiry, it turned out that he felt uncomfortable with his lower abdomen.
“Have you taken your medicine?” I asked.
“Yes I have,” he replied.

“Then, would you like to try the alternative treatment with acupressure? I’ll do it for you if you can pear the pains from receiving the acupressure.” I asked.
“Okay,” he replied. So I asked him to lie down on the soft cushion on the floor and use the roller to do a few large-area relaxation of the bladder meridian on the back.

“It will be more painful by pressing your stomach meridian later,” I said, and asked him to turn his body and face up. Then I pressed on his Stomach meridian from his St 36 on his right leg side. Many pains points were found. The notes are as follows:

Stomach Meridian: St 36 Zusanli area, St 45 Lidui area;
Gallbladder Meridian: Gb 30 Huantiao area, Gb 34 Yanglingquan area;
Large intestine meridian: Li 4 Hegu area, Li 11 Quchi area.
Pain on left side.

The next morning, my nephew said to me with a radiant face, “Auntie, it worked!”