Treat Chest Tightness during A Flu

Acu Notes by Sunnyfish 2019.10.19

small mark blog

My dear mother has done a set of patting on her meridians by her palms recently. And then she has relieved her chest tightness, chest pain and body pains. There was no need to go to the hospital, so she canceled the appointment.


The thing is about a week ago, my mother had a cold and felt pains from everywhere. She sighed at me through message every day, “Oh my goodness , the aging is just useless…” “Do you make an appointment with your doctor?” I asked. “It’s just the same old problems, I’ll wait and see till next week,” she said.


I have practiced acupressures this summer which has been improved my body vitality a lot. Therefore I strongly recommend my mother to try it. The first step is find the pain spots, and then press the points along the meridian according to the meridian videos I sent to her.


A few days later, my mother told me cheerfully that her body was back to normal. “How did you do it?” I asked. “It’s just patting my body with my palm every day, like this…” she said as she gestured. Soon after, the body pains did not happen again. She said that she’s going to buy a massager in order to reach her back, the Bladder Meridian.


I was very excited after hearing this. I said, “You are so creativity. Your patting method is actually healing your body health. It is easier to get started than doing acupressures. You save the time to read and remember the acupoints.” My mother replied modestly,”It’s because I watched the TV show, “Health 2.0”, and learned from it.


Isn’t it amazing!? I’ve learned the new techniques, the “Meridian Paida”, patting method from my mom when we’re chatting about how to release the symptoms by acupressures. I found that either acupressure or patting worked well, as long as you master the essentials which is, “relax” and “unblock” the meridians, and do it perseverance. Finally, I would like to remind the last important thing which is when you use massage tools, you should not use them carefully without too much force to avoid hearting yourself.