02 LI4 Hegu_Junction Valley_合谷穴
LI4 Hegu
Junction Valley



This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, midway between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, approximately in the middle of the 2nd metacarpal bone on the radial side.


Yuan-source point.


Do not use this acupoint if you are pregant.

Body Inches (cun)

Each person has his/her own personal body inches.
One cun is equal to the width of the Knuckle of the thumb.

Nerves, vascular

The superficial branch of the radial nerve is the dorsal branch of the hand, and the deep layer is the proper digital nerve of the median nerve.

On the radial side of the venous network of the dorsum of the hand (the beginning of the cephalic vein), there is the first dorsal metacarpal artery on the radial side of the second metacarpal. The middle layer is close to the divergence of the first and second metacarpal bones, and the radial artery runs from the back of the hand to the deep part of the palm. The major artery of the thumb is derived from the radial artery and runs between the first dorsal interosseous muscle and the adductor pollicis muscle.


This is one of the important and most commonly used point.This is the main point for diseases of the head, face and the five sense organs (deviate mouth and eye, conjunctival congestion, nosebleed, deafness), especially good for toothache.Also used for fever and aversion to cold with or without sweating; amenorrhea, delayed labor;paralysis of the forearm , facial paralysis, post stroke managemant,unable to move voluntarily, painful wrist and forearm.

Combinations of Acupoints

Toothache:LI 04 &  ST 06 & CV 12 & ST 36 & ST 07.

lockjaw、facial paralysis:LI 04 & ST 04 & ST 06.

swelling and sore throat:LI 04 & LU 11.

Anesthesia acupoint for extract teeth :LI 04 &  ST 36.

headache , cold ,arc flash ophthalmitis:LI 04 &  GB 20.

Headache caused by a cold:LI 04 &  BL 02 & EX-HN5.

Red eyes:LI 04 &  SJ 23 & BL 01.

runny notse:LI 04 & LI 20.

nasal obstruction、rhinopolyp 、 nasosinusitis,decrease blood pressure,nerve sedative (one of  the Four Passes Points):LI 04 &  LIV 03. 

Hemorrhinia:LI 04 &  GV 23.

Asthma:LI 04 &  CV 17 & KD 23 & CV 18 & CV 16.

Epilepsy 、calm、relieving convulsion:LI 04 & GV 20 & HT 07.

Suppression of sweating:(inhale) LI 04 & (exhale) KD 07.

Induce perspiration:(exhale) LI 04 & (inhale) KD 07.

Coordinating intestines and stomach:LI 04 &  ST 36.

Spleen Diseases(TCM):LI 04 & SP 06.

Toxic indigestion:LI 04 &  ST 36 & SP 06.

Acute adventititis:LI 04 &  LI 11.

Acute pancreatitis:LI 04 & PC 06 & ST 36.

Miscarriage prevention:(exhale) LI 04 & (inhale) SP 06.

Abortion:(inhale) LI 04 & (exhale) SP 06.

Swollen face caused by cold malaria ,bowel:LI 04 & ST 44.

Bladder fullness,difficulty in urination:LI 04 & CV 03 & SP 09 & ST 36 & SP 06 & BL 26 & ST 28.

Shingles:LI 04 &  LI 11 & SP 10 & 4.SP 06.
















風火牙痛:1.合谷 2.頰車 3.中脘 4.足三里5.下關

牙關不開、口眼歪斜:1.合谷 2.地倉 3.頰車

咽喉腫痛:1.合谷 2.少商

拔牙麻醉穴:1.合谷 2.足三里

頭痛感冒或電光性眼炎:1.合谷 2.風池

傷寒頭痛:1.合谷 2.攢竹 3.太陽

目赤:1.合谷 2.絲竹空 3.睛明

鼻涕量多不止:1.合谷 2.迎香

鼻塞、鼻痔及鼻淵,降低血壓,鎮靜神經之『四關穴』:1.合谷 2.太衝

鼻出血:1.合谷 2.上星

哮喘:1.合谷 2.膻中 3.神封 4.玉堂 5.中庭

癲癇及安神、鎮驚:1.合谷 .2百會 3.神門

止汗:1.補合谷 2.瀉復溜

發汗:1.瀉合谷 2.補復溜

調理腸胃,寬中理氣:1.合谷 2.足三里

脾病:1.合谷 2.三陰交

小兒單純性或中毒性消化不良:1.合谷 2.足三里 3.三陰交

急性外膜炎:1.合谷  2.曲池

急性胰腺炎:1.合谷 2.內關 3.足三里

安胎:1.瀉合谷 2.補三陰交。血旺氣衰

墮胎:1.補合谷 2.瀉三陰交。血衰氣旺

寒瘧面腫及腸鳴:1.合谷 2.內庭

膀胱脹滿,排尿不利:1.合谷 2.中極 3.陰陵泉

4.足三里 5.三陰交 6.關元 7.水道

帶狀疱疹:1.合谷 2.曲池 3.血海 4.三陰交