

Sunnyfish 2022.6.26

My family friends brought their begonia and aloe vera to us last Sunday afternoon. The beautiful potted plants instantly made our living room green and then we started a conversation about gardening. The couples recounted their gardening from the origin of begonia branches and seedlings to how to transplant them, etc. They sprinkled and cleaned the garden under the sun every day, and took care of the plants carefully. All kinds of work seem to be hard work but they are really enjoyable, which makes me sigh endlessly. Looking back on my previous experience of sweeping the yard, it was either twisted the waist or a joint injury. At first, it was getting fine after a while of pain. At most, I couldn’t do the posture of lowering my waist and touching the ground with my hands, so I didn’t pay much attention to it. In the past two years, even a little lifting tasks can be twisted the waist. I gradually feel that my left foot is numb from time to time, which makes me annoyed to walk or stand, to sit or sleep sometimes. So I asked my friend, “Would you twisted your waist when you doing your gardening?”

“Hmm, um.” The couple smiled and nodded their head.

“My lower back pain was diagnosed as a herniated disc in my lumbar spine after being checked by a doctor. Then, I did a lot of rehabilitation, but it still couldn’t be cured. Therefore, I felt very embarrassed when I visited a friend’s house because I had to sit on the sofa. I can’t stand up without a helper after sitting for a while because of my lower back pain” , said my friend.
“So it sounds like your waist still hurts now?” I asked. “No,” he replied.

“How did you cure your back pain?!” I asked in surprise. “Maybe you won’t believe me after I say it, or you can guess,” he said with a smile. “…” I shook my head and asked him to reveal the answer.

“Recite the scriptures and worship Buddha ( in manderin sound as byebye)”,he said with a smile on his self-healing method.

“Do you throw your whole body to the ground when worshiping Buddha?”, I asked. In my impression, I have heard my teacher say that this action is quite effective for back pain.

“No,” he answered and kept saying, “I just stood and hold my sutra, and then I bowed each time when it mentioned buddha’s name” , he explained. He described reciting Buddhist scriptures since he retired, at least 50 minutes each time, bowing when he recited the name of Buddha, so that counts about 200 to 300 times, once in the morning and once in the evening.

My mind reminiscent the gesture of worship the gods from my mother. She cook the special good meal to prey on the first and the 15th day of every lunar month when I was young.

“Actually, I just simply chanted sutras and worshipped Buddha. I didn’t expect that the pain of my lower back would be gone without knowing it.” He counted in his mind and said that it has been ten years since then. Now I can walk, sit and even do the heavy duties without feeling a pain.

His wife nodded and said, “I used to have knee pain, but I took glucosamine (650 mg) twice a day, and developed the habit of exercising which is doing gardening under the sun for two hours a day. I don’t feel my knees pain anymore.” It’s incredible! No wonder my friend said so. It turns out that the lightly motions of the bowing can have such a miraculous effect. It actually cured the annoying “lumbar pain” as you doing it long enough.

It’s really incredible, no wonder my friend said so. It turns out that “worship” (bowing) can have such a miraculous effect. It actually cured my friend’s lower back pain! This was really an unforgettable talk of healing experience to me 😃