Stop The Itching Thumb

Stop The Itching Thumb

Acu Notes by Sunnyfish 2022.5.10.

small mark blog

I have an old problem of the “numbness of the fingers”. At first, it was the sequelae left by the bruise of my left little finger. It was not painful or itchy from time to time, so I ignored it for a long time. Two years ago, after pruning the bushes and straining my arms, the numbness in my fingers spread from my little finger and ring finger to all my fingers. Then every morning after waking up, the joints of both palms and fingers felt tight and numb, including getting out of bed. When I landed on the ground, the bottom of my feet was inexplicably painful. After the daytime activities, the numbness in the hands and the pain in the soles of the feet will gradually disappear, but in recent days, the itching of the left thumb to the palm has been added, and the phenomenon has become more and more frequent.

Anyway, I decided to practice acupressure with the the concept from the method of “contralateral needling” (Note*) today when my left thumb is itching and seems to be rendered while I touching the area. So I followed the opposite side, that is, the acupuncture points on my right big toe, according to the method. Immediately, I realized that was extreme pain there when I pressed those acupoints, SP01,SP02,SP03.

However, a miraculous thing happened at the same time. The itchy area of ​​the left thumb stopped itching immediately! This time, it’s really not “a blind cat meets a dead mouse”!

《Su Wen. Contralateral needling/Miao Thorn Theory》, “contralateral needling, choose the right from the left, and the left from the right.” Also, “If there is pain but no disease in the menstruation, contralateral needling is used.” Refers to the method of acupuncture on the other side of the human body when one side of the collateral is diseased.
