Soothing The Swollen Gums

Soothing The Swollen Gums

Acu Notes by Sunnyfish 2022.04.12.

small mark blog

“From a chewing injury to an acute gingival swelling caused by the finger picking on my tooth.”

My right back gum was slightly swollen after I ate the biscuits the day before yesterday. I used my finger to check and plucking there to make sure if any stuffs inside there and use mouthwash to clean and disinfect, once in the morning and once in the evening yesterday. The swelling was acutely enlarged the next two days in the middle of the night when I woke up for the washroom. I feel pain in the back of my right side spreading under the base of my tongue, and the back half of the upper right inner gum was also swollen up to the front teeth.

I won’t be able to sleep well if I kept worrying. I took out my massager and did acupressure for myself immediately. First, I started from the opposite side, that is, the left-hand side, Lung Meridian LU1 Tianfu . Then follow the path of the meridians and press on the three Yin Meridians and three Yang Meridians of the hand.

Secondly, I press the right hand after I finished the left-hand side. Finally, I checked and pressed the painless acupoints of the three yin and three yang of my two legs. The whole massage process is completed in about four hours, and then I fall asleep after all.

Five hours later when I wake up, I found the swollen from my gums were completely gone. I felt It’s a gift from heaven!
