Hiccups after Choking

Hiccups after Choking

Acu Notes by Sunnyfish 2023.08.18

small mark blog

On this day, I made two plates of sushi, and then KF stuffed one into one and ate happily. After a while, when he just put a piece of sushi into his mouth, CC asked him a question, therefore he swallowed the whole sushi without chewing well. The rice got stuck in his throat. He quickly poured a glass of water to drink before pushing the rice into his stomach. Before long, he started hiccupping. The sound was extremely loud and played non-stop. I could clearly hear the sound from downstairs to the upstairs.

“Are you okay?”, I asked KF. The loud hiccup made me feel his discomfort. “It’s okay, it’ll be fine in a while,” he replied. Anyway, I heard his hiccups continuingly after a while. So, I checked the acupoints for hiccups and thought about which one should be pressed more effectively? I thought: “Since he hiccups after he got choked up, then I’ll start pressing the acupoint of CV15 on the diaphragm and the acupoint of TE17 on the head.” After I figured out the procedure, I went to KF’s side to pat his shoulder, and then pressed his meridians for him.

First of all, I tapped his TE17 with my fingers. It was tight and the lower abdomen showed a slightly convex shape. Obviously, he just had a full meal. So, I didn’t think it’s suitable to put pressure here. I turned to the back acupoints instead. Since KF is taller and stronger than me, I took out the massage tools instead of applying pressure with my fingers.

“How do you feel?”, I asked while pressing.

“It’s very comfortable.” he exhaled and said.

“Well then, being comfortable is also helpful in relieving the tension and spasms of the body…”, I thought. So, while helping him to relieve pressure, I checked where there were the cruxes.

He became interested when he saw my box of exquisite massagers while I was patrolling acupuncture points on the back of his head. I got mine and handed him another three-claw massager. Then we pressed together to study which shape of the massager is pressed the most in place on the head. We chatted for about five minutes while we were doing it. He felt that the soreness in the neck made the head and back quite comfortable, and the hiccups became quieter. I compared my previous experience of helping YC stop her hiccups which I knew it was almost there. So, I turned to hold KF’s right hand that was closed to me, opened his palm, and used a small massager to touch his acupoint PC8

“Oops, It’s hurt!”, he said.

I reduced the strength and explained to him that the reason for the pain was a sign of blocked. The pains were gone soon after a few acupressure, I heard that he was still hiccupping, so I switched to the PC8 on his left hand and continued to do so.

“It hurts here!”, he said again.

“Well, is KF’s condition the same as the YC’s condition that their blocks all together reflected to the PC8? Or does the PC8 be able to quickly transmit signals to the hiccup area?” Anyway, since the Pericardium Meridian and the Triple Burner Meridian are the exterior and interior of each other, so I followed these two meridians and then discovery many pain points on the palm and back of his hand. I pressed on these areas gently for about two or three minutes until the hiccup was no longer to be heard. Then I pressed PC08 and its surroundings repeatedly for a minute or two to make sure that his hiccups had completely stopped and no more complained about the pains.

Summarize the experience of hiccupping treatment this time as follows:
1. First, relax the body and gently soothe the back acupoints (see the pictures on the turntable below);
2. GB20 from the back to the back of the head ;
3. Go from the back of the head to the forehead BL2;
4. Finally, jump to the hand and press
PC8, and the pain points nearby.