
Life is 10 percent what you make it, and 90 percent how you take it.
Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.
Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you share it.
The main purpose of this website is introducing meridians for health. I hope you will discover the benefits and then regain your energy back by pressing your own acupoints while you are looking for the pictures of the acupoint from this website. Let’s start our story from more than ten years ago. At that time, I experienced a long period of symptoms such as anemia, chest tightness, heart palpitations, and dizziness. I knew the medical technology has been very advanced, but I was eager to find an alternative treatment that does not rely on drugs. Therefore, I found a method of meridian energy massage instead of pills. During a period of diligent acupressure practice every day, on one day morning, a magical electric current burst out from the back of my head like lightning, stopping the dizziness and suffocation I was about to suffer. At that time, it was my son helping me pressed the acupoints on my shoulders back. (For more details, please click on the video below ).
Later, we organized the event of “2gether Meridian “(practicing meridian together) during consecutive holidays. Everyone practiced the meridian massage relaxed and pleasantly in the two-hours of interactive. It reminded me of playing house, the joy of back-slapping when I was a child and playing with my aunt. Anyway, I like this kind of activities very much. There is no pressure. Just move the table and chairs aside in the living room and it will be a ready-made activity venue. You can also try it at home. Furthermore, at the beginning of this year, a surprise happened–this website that Emma gave me! And, our team got a new member, Zack, the programmer! We edited and compiled my acupoints graphics that have been drawn over the past ten years into this bilingual website. From now on, everyone can easily follow the meridian map on their mobile phones and relieve body pain through acupoint massage. We are very proud of these efforts. I am very happy that I have this support team and hope that we will continue to move towards “meridians and health” and make “2gether Meridian” a part of life.