Our Value


Life is 10 percent what you make it, and 90 percent how you take it.


Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.


Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you share it.

The main purpose of this website is introduce meridians for health. I hope you will discovery the benefits and then regain your energy back by pressing your own acupoints while you are looking for the pictures of the acupoint from this website. This website was established because of the encouragement and assistance of many people around me who I always with great thankful. Lets start our story from more than ten years ago. At that time, I experienced a long period of symptoms such as anemia, chest tightness, heart palpitations, and dizziness. I know the medical technology has been very advanced, but I was eager to find an alternative treatment that does not rely on drugs. Therefore I found a method of meridian energe massage. After a period of diligent acupuncture practice every day, one day morning, a magical electric current burst into the back of my head like lightning and stopped my symptoms. At that time, it was my son helping me pressed the acupoints on my shoulders back. (For more details, please click on the video below ). 


Gratefully, I like to share this precious meridians wisdom to my friends who needed it. Therefore, Albert coat me computer graphics and film production. Alice, Emma and Amy helped me proofread the manuscripts so that I can communicate with my friends easily by using graphs. They can quickly find the acupoints on their bodies at home, and then perform inspections and treatment. Also they can help or ask from the family members .

Later on, we organized the event of “Doing Meridian Together”. In this two-hours of interactive, everyone practice the meridian massage easily and pleasantly. Further more, at the beginning of this year, out team got a new member, Zack. We edited and compiled the my acupoints graphics that have been drawn over the past ten years to become a bilingual website. Hopefully everyone can easily make it and also relieve their body pain through acupressure. We’re very proud of putting these efforts. I’m happy and grateful that I have this support team.
Finally, I’d like to thank to all the families, friends and teachers who supported me. Especially thanks to Dr. Amanda Lu who instructed me to the professional techniques in acupressure.  She is not only my shiatsu teacher but also a wonderful friend. Her enthusiasm for helping others from illness makes me unforgettable. She loves to action which always benefits the people around her, including myself. She helped me recover my health. I’m very appreciate to her. Without her, I won’t be able to complete this project now. At this moment, I would like to express my sincere wishes and so much thanks to her.
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Sunnyfish 2021