The Wandering Jellyfish

Where is Lawson?

Can you find Lawson on the world’s map?


A little boy is lost, but the geography teacher cannot tell us where Lawson is…

What's on your boulder?

Everybody believes in different things. When we look at all that’s different around us, it’s doesn’t mean too much to compare what is “better.” Rather, let’s try to see beauty in all the diversity.


It’s great to be our different selves!

What would your sculpture look like?

Ask a friend, what’s carved on their giant white boulder?

Plastic Jelly...

Jellyfish actually look similar to plastic bags to more than just the little dolls in our story. 

To sea turtles, plastic bags look like Jellyfish too.

In the story, Jellyfish needed everybody’s help. But outside of the story, Sea Turtles need your help! 

Make sure to reduce, reuse, and recycle all your plastic bags properly so nothing sneaks into the ocean to confuse the sea turtles!

What's in the fountain?

Sometimes, we litter in our own minds. It may be thoughtless words dumped onto us by others. But most of the time it’s simply one or two teeny tiny thought we started and cannot let go of.


These thoughts circle in our heads and make our fountain unhealthy.


What’s kind of thoughts are you feeding to the tiny critters in your fountain water?

Jellyfish care...

Have you ever felt your mind is so full that it’s feels like it’s about to burst?

What about those around you? Have they felt the same?


What can you do to help a Jellyfish feel at ease when you notice them in pain?


What can you do to help yourself?

And that ends our 

Sea of Thought

Book Three
The Wandering Jellyfish

“Good Night,”
says the moon.

“Good Night,”
says the little dolls.

“Good Night,”
says your very own jellyfish.

the author

C. C. Hsueh Alphalfafish

the Illustrator

Sunnyfish & Alphalfafish

As the saying goes: “A long illness becomes a good doctor”! Whenever I am sick or undergoing surgery, in addition to seeing a doctor to take medicine, I am also verifying the most practical “special acupuncture points”. Sometimes, when I verify it to the point of the moment, “the pain is gone”, that is an indescribable gratitude!
Therefore, it is recommended that you press or pat when you are free, and treat “meridian acupressure” as a hobby. And also used to treat this sore and slightly painful feeling as a self-challenging enjoyment while you are pressing.
In addition to “meridian acupressure”, there are also many positive hobbies that can relieve us from stress, improve our spirit and quality of life, such as sports, gardening, painting, writing, socializing and so on. We hope this illustrated book from our work can bring you a visual and spiritual feast!

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